Tips On Maintaining Your Household Appliances
With the amount of water damage or fire damage that your household appliances can cause, enacting preventative measures is always a good idea! Regular maintenance of your appliances will help you to avoid the worst-case scenario and even extend their lifespans. However, maintaining a lot of appliances is a big job. You should be familiar with the most crucial maintenance tasks for each appliance. Below, we’ll give you our expert tips on maintaining some of the most popular appliances for your household!
Refrigerators: Keep The Coils Clean
Refrigerators are by far the most sensitive household appliances out there. Malfunctioning could lead to your food going rotten, not to mention the water damage that can occur! Keeping your refrigerator coils clean is a crucial step in this process. They control how cold your fridge can get, and can lead to serious malfunctions in the worst-case scenario! Dusting the coils on a weekly basis will help to prevent both problems.
Stovetops: Clean Up Messes After Use
Stovetops can cause both fire and gas-related problems if you don’t perform regular maintenance! Every time you make a big meal using the burners, make sure you clean the area around them afterward with soap and water. Failure to do so can prevent burners from turning on at all. Depending on what kind of grime is down there, it can even cause a fire hazard! Scrubbing them down will sharply decrease the likelihood of fire accidents.
Washing Machine: Wipe Down The Insides After Use
Did you know that washing machines are one of the most common areas for mold growth? Preventing this common allergen from thriving is as simple as cleaning the inside of your machine. All you need to do is take a warm washcloth and wipe down the interior and exterior door handle, plus the entire inside area. This will prevent any mold growth issues or clogs that could cause an overflow.
Dryer: Clean Out The Lint Trap
If you haven’t examined your dryer’s lint trap in a while, now is the time to do so! Allowing this trap to get too full can cause create a serious fire hazard. Not only is lint incredibly flammable, but it can spread fast if there’s an excess. After every use of the dryer, scrape the lint out of the trap and rinse it with a warm washcloth. This can even help improve your dryer’s efficiency!
Appliance Disaster Recovery With Soil-Away
In the event that one of your appliances malfunctions or overflows, you need a team with unparalleled dedication to helping you reclaim your property’s old appearance. With the damage restoration team at Soil-Away, this ideal is a guarantee! You’ll never know that your property was wrecked by the time our team is done. If your appliance malfunctions and leads to a water or fire damage disaster, contact our team to get out of it!